Sharing Maxillofacial Skills
There are around 80 private hospitals, or private patient units in London. Many leading consultants have bases in London, not least in Harley Street, a world renowned centre for medical care.
Taking the exceptional facilities they offer for granted is possible within our society but in other societies, there can be little advanced medical care.
This is the case in Madagascar, the home of Umu, who you see in the image above. A local doctor had tried to help but the need for maxillofacial surgery could not be met, until the arrival of a Mercy Ship.
Dedicated Care
Mercy Ships is a charity which brings cutting edge medical support to countries across the globe. Staffed by skilled people who give their time, working on vessels which are as well equipped as a modern hospital.
In Umu’s case, the team recognised the need to operate quickly. Her tumour had existed from birth and continued to grow, difficulty swallowing would soon turn into suffocation and end her life.
The maxillofacial team on board took control, UMU’s mother Yei deeply concerned as her child was wheeled to theatre but a few hours later, they were smiling at each other in the recovery room.
A Changed Life
Following successful surgery to remove her tumour, Umu was able to eat normal meals, growing taller, more active and stronger. The image you see with her mother taken just a few months later.
Her mother’s fear for her child has gone, two lives restored. A miracle for those involved, arising from the willingness of others to share their skills.
Neither does this end at the operating theatre door. Mercy Ships knowledge is used in helping to set up local clinics and provide training to local staff, across the field of medicine.
Creating Skills
There was no surgeon in Madagascar who could treat Umu’s condition, a position which applies in other countries but is changing.
Whilst the most complex intervention will need longer, we are hearing of maxillofacial procedures being carried out from Ghana to Nepal, which would not have happened a few years ago.
They may be cleft lip surgery, or correction of facial joint issues, common enough in the UK but in other places, revolutionary and life changing.
This is thanks to local staff, who took the time to train and experienced maxillofacial surgeons who supported them, from Mercy Ships, or other organisations.
Mutual Care
The doctors who treated Uma could be back in Harley Street, carrying out facial surgery but will never forget other situations they encountered, or the people they were able to help.
Neither will the seeds that were sown be blown away, the knowledge shared brings long term value to patients who deserve this, wherever they may be.
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