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Professor Shakib Provides Expert Opinion To The Media

Concealed Distress

The Traitors has proven popular, a story of hidden secrets and one star of the show initially chose to conceal a deeper torment.

Charlotte Chilton has for years suffered from trigeminal neuralgia, to the point of not wanting to live. She states this is known as the “suicide disease”, because sufferers might make that choice.

The pain can be unbearable, often on one, or more rarely either side of the face. Charlotte did undergo brain surgery at one stage, her rehabilitation complicated by a car accident and the need to re-learn basic skills.

Her recovery is a remarkable achievement, as is being willing to share her experience. The media organisations she chose include the Express, who turned to Professor Shakib to provide an expert view.

Reality Of Trigeminal Neuralgia

Professor Shakib gave an exclusive response to support sufferers, by highlighting the condition and treatment which is available.

He agreed that “Trigeminal neuralgia is probably the most excruciatingly painful condition I have ever encountered as an Oral & Maxillofacial surgeon”.

Patients have said to him that the condition feels like “an electric shock with a high voltage”, “somebody sticking a very hot iron into my face”, or “somebody putting a red hot nail into one area of my face”.

As with many conditions, spotting symptoms early can help. There may be episodes of intense, shooting pain in an area on one side of your face, or brought on by touching that area, when applying make up, shaving, or brushing teeth.

Professor Shakib offered readers advice on treatment, stating he would “Normally manage the acute times by providing a long acting, local anaesthetic injection to the nerve branch affected, giving 8 to 12 hours of relief.”

For longer term care, he explained that “Trigeminal neuralgia requires treatment with medication. An anti-epileptic drug called Carbamazepine often helps, or there are alternatives such as Pregabalin and Gabapentin.”

Finding The Right Solution

Trigeminal neuralgia is a condition where expert diagnosis matters, to find the root of the problem and gauge the right dose of medication. This will need to be taken long term but can in many cases provide a solution.

The core message is not to suffer, when specialist care could help. You are welcome to consult with Professor Shakib, although wherever you are, finding the right level of expertise is worthwhile.

The pain from trigeminal neuralgia can cease for long periods but they tend to get shorter over time, or develop into continuous throbbing sensations.

People suffering from trigeminal neuralgia deserve good support and Charlotte Chilton deserves acclaim for bringing the condition to public attention. Doing so can help those who are silently suffering.