A Reflection Of Our Health

There is more to people than how they look but our faces can reflect our health and in themselves, at times need complex medical care.
Where surgery is part of treatment to the face, or to the underlying structures, we appreciate the concern this can bring. A sound reason to choose a form of care which is dedicated to treating facial issues.
Two Fields Of Medicine
Providing the best surgical care to our patients for face, neck, or jaw issues is vital. A unique challenge, met by the medical profession in a committed way.
Technology and knowledge led surgeons to specialise but doing so across two fields is rare. This is the case with oral & maxillofacial consultants, who are qualified in medicine and dentistry.
Their qualifications are enhanced by education, training and experience. In treating facial fractures, lacerations, trauma, deformity and in surgical procedures for skin, muscle, bone, or dental requirements.
Facial surgery has a further requirement, balancing function with appearance. For psychological, social and practical reasons, how we look matters.
An ability to combine all the above represents many years work by dedicated individuals but this is secondary. The real point is the quality of care created for patients.
Individual Diagnosis
Fine treatment and outcome can only happen with sound diagnosis. Advances in imaging technology, microscopy and testing have helped, we use them to the full but a consultant’s maxillofacial experience remains the key.
People come to us with complex facial trauma, or with a focused need, such as vascular surgery. The same level of broad understanding should apply to both.
In such a complex part of our body, very little stands alone. Taking an holistic view of current implications, the long term future and meeting your personal wishes is the purpose of a maxillofacial specialist.
Comprehensive Treatment
Having a multi disciplinary team embedded in the facial surgery facility at our London clinic is valuable. The best surgeons in the world can and should discuss cases with other specialists.
Our patients still have the advantage of coordinated treatment, from their consultant. They can treat, or rebuild craniofacial hard and soft tissues, the oral mucosa, correct skeletal irregularities, carry out skin grafts.
Along with facial damage, or deformity, jaw correction, such as orthognathic surgery can be at the heart of treatment. Or dealing with cysts, tumours, or lesions which may be causal, or symptomatic.
Facial surgery should not simply “cure” an issue. Treatment objectives should include eradicating disease, creating a sound underlying structure and above all, restoring your quality of life.
Our London Clinic
We are privileged to work in a sector of medicine which can offer life changing benefit. Patients should have the best, individual support.
Facial surgery requires expertise and sound facilities, which are readily available in our day surgery unit, or at fine hospitals we work with. In all cases, you will be cared for by staff who understand this is personal treatment.
Your consultant will offer the specialist care you need and support you, listen to you. Our Harley Street clinic meets a unique requirement but we never forget this is your care, you are welcome to get in touch at any time.
- Make an appointment
- Phone – 020 7935 8627
- Email – pa@shakib.org