Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery In London
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Maxillofacial Care Across the Globe

A Specialty Of Opportunity

Maxillofacial surgeons planting trees

We liked the way maxillofacial surgeons in India celebrated International Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (OMS) Day, by planting saplings with their lifetime ahead.

OMS Day happens each February and helps to promote skill sharing on a global basis, whilst involving the community at every level.

Awareness of the possibilities OMS offers is heightened, for medical staff and patients. Congenital issues and facial, or oral damage from trauma, or disease cease to be permanent, or cultural barriers.

Alongside environmental benefits, these tiny trees signify potential and remind us that if we persevere, we can achieve. Developments in medicine often begin small, then spread their cover in amazing ways.

Neither are all our field’s efforts diagnostic, or curative, first hand experience of facial trauma can lead to starting preventative initiatives.

Reducing Unwanted Causes

Education is part of maxillofacial care in many senses and a number of our colleagues take a particular focus. Glasgow University’s department of oral and maxillofacial surgery were the founders of Medics Against Violence.

OMS specialists at Cardiff University follow a similar line, as part of the World Health Organization’s Violence Prevention Alliance, assisting with research into prevention.

From popular videos, to car stickers, OMS staff have been responsible in various countries for road safety campaigns. Traffic, or cycling accidents may not be deliberate but cause as many issues as acts that are intentional.

Our niche field has also helped to spread useful messages throughout the medical profession. Taking an active role in creating the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist and the Safe Surgery Initiative.

At A Personal Level

Maxillofacial surgeons are by nature healers and know the importance of patients being involved in this. Whether consulting with individual patients, or talking to a group within their community.

Communicating with colleagues and sharing maxillofacial skills is important but so is spreading the word where this assists people directly. Changing views on a few actions makes a big difference.

Promoting safety in life and good personal care help to reduce treatment, or make this more successful. Spending time talking to people is not politeness, or window dressing but a vital part of supporting good health.

An ethos you will find at our clinic, where you might attend for facial surgery, or a number of conditions. We are part of the global maxillofacial community, which thrives because we listen to each person.